Trailer test law changes

November 16, 2021

New Motoring Laws

As of the 15th November 2021, the laws surrounding pulling trailers up to 3,500kgs are changing and this means no additional testing is required.

Changes in law from the above date, mean that those who have passed their driving test after 1997 will be able to tow a large trailer up to 3,500kgs with the need to pass an additional trailer towing driving test.

The previous limits were set at 750kgs for those who passed their driving test after 1997.

The new categories will automatically be added to all licences and will how on the DVLA online portal by logging in with your driving licence number, national insurance number and current postcode. Thew new categories will show as B and E.

Short-Term Cars with Towbars

Cocoon Vehicles offers a limited range of short-term car leases and flexible car subscriptions with the option of having a towbar fitted, this has become very popular since the rise in staycations in the year of 2021.

Car Leases with Towbars.

If you are in the market for a new car lease and require a towbar, why not try our Find a Car Lease service, comparing no less than 12 different funders including those manufacturers backed finance houses such as Alphabet, Daimler and VWFS.

More Information

If you would like any further information about the products and services offered by Cocoon Vehicles, please call the team on 01332 290173 or use the ENQUIRY FORM below.

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